Integrative Therapy

Imagine waking up refreshed. We’re here to help.

What is Integrative Therapy?

The way we breathe and use the muscles of the face, cheeks and lips, have an impact on how the jaws, faces and teeth develop. Ultimately, when the face and jaws don’t grow to the ideal size or proportions, the airway doesn’t grow enough for normal function.

Restoring Balance for Optimal Dental Health

If our airway is compromised enough, it has a chronic negative impact on brain function and overall health. The nervous system becomes stuck in fight or flight mode and healing is compromised.

What Do I Do Now?

At the Centre for Integrative Orthodontics we evaluate and address the negative changes in our facial development, we can restore balance and eliminate deficiencies in facial growth and airway development, allowing teeth to align properly. This is the essence of Integrative Orthodontics (IO).

Book with us today and take control of your airways.

What to look out for

Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Upper jaw skeletal deficiencies can lead to venous pooling under the eyes, causing dark circles.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking can contribute to improper jaw development, potentially leading to malocclusion and misalignment of teeth. 

Poor Posture

The forward head posture is the position her brain has figured out is needed to maximally open her airway. The other postural changes are needed to maintain balance.


Child Sucking Thumb
Dark Circles Under Eyes

Signs of Dysfunctional Growth and Development

Oral and Facial Development Issues
  • Open Mouth Posture
  • Mouth Breathing
  • Chapped Lips, Lip Licking, Nail Biting
  • Visible Gums Above the Upper Front Teeth When Fully Smiling
  • Asymmetric, Unbalanced Facial Growth Patterns
  • Long Faces and Recessive Chins
  • Underbites with Small Upper Jaws and Prominent Chins
  • Crowded, Crooked Teeth
  • Lack of Spaces Between Baby Teeth or Crowding of New Teeth
  • Teeth That Don’t Touch the Opposing Teeth When Biting
  • Tongue Tie and/or Lip Tie
  • Tongue Thrusting
  • Facial Muscles Moving on Swallowing
  • Scalloped Pattern Visible on the Sides of the Tongue

Breathing and Sleep Issues
  • Snoring or Loud Breathing During Sleep
  • Restless/Poor Sleep, Nightmares, Bedwetting
  • Daytime Sleepiness or Cranky Behavior in Young Children
  • Frequent Stuffy Noses, Colds, Allergies or Asthma
  • Swollen Tonsils and Adenoids
  • Ear Infections/Eustachian Tube Reflux
  • Affected Hearing or Ringing in the Ears
  • Forward Head Posture and Poor General Posture
Behavioral and Cognitive Concerns
  • Behavioral Challenges, ADHD-type Behavior, Executive Function Concerns
  • School Performance Getting Worse
  • Foggy Thinking, Poor Memory
  • Daytime Sleepiness or Cranky Behavior in Young Children
Feeding and Speech Issues
  • Noisy Eating and Drooling
  • Feeding Issues, Breastfeeding Difficulties
  • Speech Issues
  • Pacifiers, Sippy Cups, Thumb/Finger Sucking
Pain and Discomfort
  • Headaches, Pain in the Jaws or Neck
  • Swollen Gums
  • Dark Circles and/or Bags Under the Eyes

Proper Face, Jaw, and Airway Development

There are a few things that must happen for the face, jaws, and airway to develop properly:


1. Breathing quietly through the nose day and night, even during most exercise and while sleeping
2. Lips are closed gently together with relaxed facial muscles, unless eating or talking
3. Tongue resting flat against the roof of the mouth, except when talking and eating
4. Swallowing should happen without excessive facial muscle and head movements

If these aren’t happening from birth through age 7, the body will be subjected to negative consequences that reach far into our adult years. An open airway is the brain’s number one priority. To maintain this airway space, the body will develop postural compensations (protective ways of standing, sitting, sleeping and moving that may be damaging to muscles and joints).


Our Integrative Therapy Treatments

Myofunctional Therapy

Myology means the study of “muscle”. Oral myology deals with the movements and functions of all the mouth muscles during rest, chewing, swallowing, and breathing.

Having the muscles functioning correctly is important, though we are never taught it. Many activities “teach” the muscles from birth on, and often the wrong habits are established. Then, the muscles influence the growth of the face, jaws, and teeth improperly, resulting in a number of early warning signs.

The way to learn how to use these muscles correctly is private lessons from an Oral Myofunctional Therapist (OMT). The OMT can be a dental hygienist, speech pathologist, and sometimes a dentist, osteopath or chiropractor, who has had specialty training in this area. Some OMT’s are certified through one of a select few organizations.

OMT’s offer a series of one-on-one sessions that are designed to:

  • Break down complex movements into very basic muscle activities
  • Combine basic movements into balanced, coordinated functions
  • Make these new functions a habit

MyoFunctional Therapy is PT for the mouth. We work with a network of experienced Myofunctional therapists to provide the necessary education on oral muscle function


Sacro Occipital Technique
S.O.T. is a gentle, highly analytical chiropractic technique which was developed by Dr. M.B. DeJarnette. It was one of the earliest techniques (dating back to 1925) and remains one of the most progressive, contemporary, and thoroughly researched techniques available to chiropractors today. In S.O.T., the doctor understands three main subluxation patterns alter normal body function. S.O.T. is also the only chiropractic technique that incorporates specialized, proven TMJ/orthodontic co-treatment protocols.

Craniopathy is a specialized Chiropractic field dealing with the micro motion and distortions of the skull. This technique improves the flow of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (C.S.F.) which is dependent on a stable, balanced cranium, spine and pelvis. Correcting cranial distortions reducing cranial stress that improving C.S.F. flow restoring normal functioning to the brain and nervous system.

Cranial Dental Integration
Cranial dental therapy is a team approach that includes two primary specialists: a specially trained chiropractor and dentist. Together, they cross diagnose and treat TMJ and sleep apnea related problems in a step-by-step process that maximizes the speed to alleviating pain and discomfort.

Buteyko Breathing

Buteyko Breathing is a technique developed by Ukrainian doctor Konstantin Buteyko in the 1950s. It focuses on restoring natural, efficient breathing patterns through controlled, shallow breathing and the reduction of hyperventilation. The method is based on the principle that many modern health problems, including asthma, anxiety, sleep apnea, and chronic fatigue, are linked to dysfunctional breathing habits like over-breathing.

The Buteyko method emphasizes nose breathing, breath-holding exercises, and relaxation to increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which in turn helps regulate the body’s oxygen usage. Practicing Buteyko breathing can improve respiratory efficiency, reduce symptoms of respiratory disorders, and enhance overall health by promoting balance in the body’s nervous and immune systems.

Whether you’re looking to improve athletic performance, manage stress, or address chronic health conditions, Buteyko breathing offers a non-invasive, natural way to support optimal breathing and well-being.

Sleep testing in the comfort of your own bed! Click here to learn more about our sleep test partner.